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By then, the virus could have infected millions, with one expert warning the virus is spreading exponentially. Last week she went to a hospital with symptoms and was diagnosed with the viral illness. Europe[edit] Initial cases in Europe were reported in France and in Germany and other countries with relatively low number of cases.

As you know, we are following the lead of our host nation partners. Ferguson believes the fatality rate is likely to be lower due to an "iceberg" of milder cases we are yet to find, but he highlights that novel viruses spread much faster through a population. Scientists first recognized this severe respiratory illness in 2012 after it surfaced in Saudi Arabia. Play media "Aerial photography of roads after motor vehicles are banned in central urban areas of Wuhan: few vehicle traces" – Video news from China News Service Masked passengers undergoing temperature checks at Changchun Longjia Airport in northeast China A screen display in Hefei showing "early detection, early reporting, early quarantine, early diagnosis, early treatment" during the coronavirus outbreak Quarantine A quarantine restricting travel for Wuhan residents, involving changes to flights, trains, public buses, the metro system, long-distance coaches, large-scale gatherings and group tours.[250] Several Chinese cities were placed under quarantine measures.[267] People in numerous regions bought excess supplies of goods.[268][269] Five million people left Wuhan during the start of the quarantine.[270] Shantou, Guangdong was similarly quarantined;[271] this was reversed two hours later.[272][273] Several Chinese cities committed to not imposing similar quarantine measures, and others enacted them.[274][275][276][13][excessive citations] Outdoor restrictions On February 1, Huanggang, Hubei implemented a measure whereby only one person from each household is permitted to go outside for provisions once every two days, except for medical reasons or to work at shops or pharmacies.[277] Many cities, districts, and counties across mainland China implemented similar measures in the days following, including Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Harbin, and the whole of Jiangxi.[278][279][280][281][282][excessive citations] Medical facilities Construction site of Huoshenshan Hospital as it appeared on 24 January A speciality hospital named Huoshenshan Hospital, with 1000 beds was constructed, modelled on Xiaotangshan Hospital [zh], fabricated[283][284] for the SARS outbreak of 2003.[285][286][287] 14 temporary hospitals were constructed in China in total, but all were reported to have closed after the crisis was determined to be under control on March 10, 2020.[288] Italy Civil Protection volunteers carrying out health checks at the Guglielmo Marconi Airport in Bologna The outbreak was confirmed to have spread to Italy on January 31, 2020, when two Chinese tourists tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 in Rome.[289] In response, the Italian government suspended all flights to and from China and declared a state of emergency.[290] On January 31, the Italian Council of Ministers appointed Angelo Borrelli, head of the Civil Protection, as Special Commissioner for the COVID-19 Emergency.[291][292] An unassociated cluster of COVID-19 cases was later further detected starting with 16 confirmed cases in Lombardy on February 21.[293] On February 22, the Council of Ministers announced a new decree law to contain the outbreak, including quarantining more than 50,000 people from 11 different municipalities in northern Italy.[294] Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said "In the outbreak areas, entry and exit will not be provided. There are a few dots in the Middle East, Europe, Australia and North America.

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Health officials in the US military began "a thorough contact investigation" to determine if any other personnel may have been exposed to the virus.[97] On 11 March, it was announced that Juventus and national team footballer Daniele Rugani has tested positive to COVID-19.[98] Statistics[edit] Reactions[edit] Italian government task force to face the COVID-19 outbreak in Civil Protection situation room On 31 January 2020, the Italian Council of Ministers appointed Angelo Borrelli, head of the Civil Protection, as Special Commissioner for the COVID-19 emergency.[137][138] On 22 February, the government announced a new decree imposing the quarantine of more than 50,000 people from 11 different municipalities in Northern Italy. There is a world-wide shortage of masks, so WHO urges people to use masks wisely. Over Coronavirus Fears By Ed Kilgore There won’t be an audience or a spin room, so it doesn’t much matter where the debate occurs. 24. [source] 5 new cases in San Marino, bringing the total to 15, of which 3 (aged 81, 80, and 76 years old) are in critical condition [source] 3 new cases in the Czech Republic: 2 are relatives of an infected case in Děčín, 1 is a woman from Prague. [source] 2 new cases in Greece: - a person who had traveled to Israel and Egypt. This includes presumptive positive cases that tested positive in a public health lab and are pending confirmation from the CDC, and confirmed cases have received positive results from the CDC. Wisconsin health officials maintained that the threat to the general public remains low.

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As foreign governments evacuated their citizens from China this week, China said it was arranging chartered flights to bring Wuhan residents who were overseas back to the epicenter of the outbreak. The patient, who is 71 years old tested negative for Coronavirus infection, nearly 48 hours after the first dose of the combination medicines were given to her.

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Therefore, without further details on testing of animals in the markets, it looks like we are no closer to knowing this virus' natural reservoir." Another group of Chinese scientists uploaded a paper to preprint website biorXiv, having studied the viral genetic code and compared it to the previous SARS coronavirus and other bat coronaviruses. On the other hand, if deaths are under-reported, perhaps 3% is conservative.  COVID-19 also seems to affect older generations much more severely. An outbreak of Sars killed more than 700 people between 2002 and 2003, which again started in China and spread to other countries. It is sometimes known as “Chinese QX” as it was originally isolated following outbreaks of disease in the Qingdao region in China in the mid 1990s. 3/12/2020 coronavirus coronavirus Arts Organizations Are Heading Into Crisis. 679 [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar] Beckham J.

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Meanwhile, China's lockdown in response to the outbreak is having ramifications on businesses around the world. The country has confirmed at least 354 deaths and 9,000 cases. S. -- as the new coronavirus proves difficult for states and countries to stop. Many people with the virus look and feel like they have the flu. A molecular epidemiological study of respiratory viruses detected in Japanese children with acute wheezing illness. There is no estimate of those merely infected.[321] Iran Disinfection of Tehran subway wagons against coronavirus Iran reported its first confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections on February 19, 2020 in Qom, where according to the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, both had died later that day.[322][323] Early measures announced by the government included the cancellation of concerts and other cultural events,[324] sporting events,[325] and Friday prayers,[326] closure of universities, higher education institutions and schools,[327] and allocated 5 trillion rials to combat the virus.[328] President Hassan Rouhani said on 26 February 2020 that there were no plans to quarantine areas affected by the outbreak, and only individuals would be quarantined.[329] However, Shia shrines in Qom remained open to pilgrims.[330] Iran became a centre of the spread of the virus after China.[331][332] Amidst claims of a cover-up of the extent of the outbreak in the country,[333] over ten countries have traced their cases back to Iran by February 28, 2020, indicating that the extent of the outbreak may be more severe than the 388 cases reported by the Iranian government by that date.[332][334] The Iranian Parliament was shut down, with 23 of the 290 members of parliament reported to have had tested positive for the virus on March 3.[335] A number of senior government officials as well as two members of parliament have died from the disease.[336] United States On January 31, 2020, the Trump administration limited entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of all aliens who were physically present within the People's Republic of China, excluding the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United States.[337] In the Pacific Northwest state of Washington, the first death in the United States was reported on February 29, 2020 after an outbreak at a Life Care Centers of America elderly care in Kirkland, Washington,[338] following which Washington governor Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency.[339] Florida and California also declared a state of emergency in early March.[340][341][342] Major US corporations, including Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and Goldman Sachs, have imposed employee travel restrictions and some have cancelled conferences.[343] Some companies, including Microsoft, GitHub, and Square, Inc., have also encouraged employees to work from home.[344] Many major US sports leagues canceled scheduled events. The ant-eating pangolin, a small, scaly mammal, has also been implicated in the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The World Health Organization reports about 80 percent of COVID-19 cases are mild.

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